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Tolle Tiervideos (aus Clickertraining und freiem Verhalten)

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Re:Tolle Tiervideos (aus Clickertraining und freiem Verhalten)
« Antwort #556 am: 15. Dezember 2011, 15:11:59 »
Humpback Whale Shows AMAZING Appreciation After Being Freed From Nets

Michael Fishbach, co-founder of The Great Whale Conservancy (GWC), narrates his encounter with a young humpback whale entangled in local fishing nets.

At first, the animal appeared to be dead, yet Fishbach investigated and quickly discovered that the poor creature was tangled in a fishing net. The humans had to act fast; what began as a tragedy soon became a thrilling rescue as Fishbach and his crew labored to free the young whale. The entire encounter was caught on videotape and later narrated by Fishbach himself.

This young whale knows how to show appreciation by treating them to a magnificent aerial spectacle after it was finally freed.

ende nicht verpassen!

A horse without spots is like the night without stars!
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Re:Tolle Tiervideos (aus Clickertraining und freiem Verhalten)
« Antwort #557 am: 15. Dezember 2011, 15:36:39 »
ooooohhhh woooow!!! Wie schööön!
Danke fürs einstellen!!!
Hatte fast schon feuchte Augen!!

Bei dem hier bekommt man auch feuchte Augen - vor Lachen!
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Re:Tolle Tiervideos (aus Clickertraining und freiem Verhalten)
« Antwort #558 am: 15. Dezember 2011, 15:39:07 »

A horse without spots is like the night without stars!
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Re:Tolle Tiervideos (aus Clickertraining und freiem Verhalten)
« Antwort #559 am: 15. Dezember 2011, 15:44:46 »
Jetzt weiß ich endlich, warum manche Leute gerne ihre Treppenstufen mit Teppich belegt haben möchten. Ich würde das ja wegen der aufwendigen Reinigung eher vermeiden aber nun ist mir das völlig klar. :lol:
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Re:Tolle Tiervideos (aus Clickertraining und freiem Verhalten)
« Antwort #560 am: 15. Dezember 2011, 19:52:39 »
hach snief ist das schön mit dem Wal! :heul:  :cheer:

Und der Hund ist ja schon ein wenig  :spinn: :lol:
Alles kommt zu dem, der warten kann.
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Re:Tolle Tiervideos (aus Clickertraining und freiem Verhalten)
« Antwort #561 am: 19. Dezember 2011, 12:50:49 »
Handling Training with rodents

Handlingübungen mit Nagern für Pflege- und Kontrollmaßnahmen bzw. medizinische Untersuchungen.
Das Angreifen und Hochnehmen wird kleinschrittig erarbeitet und positiv besetzt, indem man es an einen primären Verstärker koppelt.

A horse without spots is like the night without stars!
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Re:Tolle Tiervideos (aus Clickertraining und freiem Verhalten)
« Antwort #562 am: 19. Dezember 2011, 13:08:01 »
Ja, das mit der Befreiung des Wals ist wirklich großartig. :keks:
Ich habe zwar kein Wort verstanden aber die Bilder sprechen für sich. :thup:
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Re:Tolle Tiervideos (aus Clickertraining und freiem Verhalten)
« Antwort #563 am: 19. Dezember 2011, 14:21:35 »
Do you think your dog "knows" sit?

A horse without spots is like the night without stars!
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Re:Tolle Tiervideos (aus Clickertraining und freiem Verhalten)
« Antwort #564 am: 19. Dezember 2011, 15:28:59 »

Horse Training With the Initiator Signal - Asking Your Horse's Permission

The initiator signal is a means for the horse to communicate to the handler the rate at which the criteria can be comfortably raised. A variation on targeting, the handler holds her hand out for the horse to touch when he wishes for her to engage in the training exercise. Thus, the horse gives the handler permission to train him.

For example, if the trainer wishes to ride a young colt for the first time, she may hold her hand out of the horse to touch. When he touches it, she may move towards his side and click after she pretends to jump up. She would then return to the horse's nose and offer her hand for him to touch again. If the horse touches her hand, she may jump by his side again. If he thinks twice about touching her hand, but ultimately touches it, the horse has indicated that if the trainer reduces her criteria that he will continue to engage willfully in the training process. If the horse refuses to touch the trainer's hand, he is indicating that he does not wish to engage in the game and will likely become reactive if she attempts to jump on his back again.

The initiator can be used to get the horse's permission to engage in all varieties of activities, from bandaging a leg wound to desensitizing a fearful horse to whips. It an be used with any positive reinforcement technique, whether clicker training or training with conditioned reinforcers like petting.

A horse without spots is like the night without stars!
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Re:Tolle Tiervideos (aus Clickertraining und freiem Verhalten)
« Antwort #565 am: 21. Dezember 2011, 03:22:30 »
Habituation of a startle response


This short clip shows habituation of a rat's innate startle reflex to a loud noise. The rat shows a decrease in the magnitude of the response as a function of repeated exposure to the noise.

A horse without spots is like the night without stars!
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Re:Tolle Tiervideos (aus Clickertraining und freiem Verhalten)
« Antwort #566 am: 21. Dezember 2011, 13:01:33 »

Cat Injections: Training Your Cat to Love Injections Without Ruining Your Relationship

At first we gave the insulin but then Mochi started hiding from us. We didn't want to make her hate us, so we discountinued the treatment even though we knew that without she wouldn't live long.

How many times have you heard something like this where a client fails to carry through with treatment because the treatment ruins her bond with her pet? If the treatment is an injection of some sort, this type of situation should not happen because it's easy to train cats to love getting injections and this comfort with injections can be taught in just a handful of days. Here's how.

A horse without spots is like the night without stars!
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Re:Tolle Tiervideos (aus Clickertraining und freiem Verhalten)
« Antwort #567 am: 21. Dezember 2011, 23:38:02 »

A horse without spots is like the night without stars!
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Liebe Grüße von Melli RB-Pony Hvatur und Hund Simba.
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