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« Antwort #90 am: 21. Dezember 2011, 03:19:48 »
Ich muss lernen! Aber wie? – Das Lernverhalten des Hundes


Konsequenz beeinflusst Verhalten – Alle Verhaltensweisen, die eine positive Konsequenz haben, werden häufiger gezeigt, alle die eine negative Konsequenz haben werden seltener. Wir können Verhalten verändern indem wir die Konsequenz beeinflussen. Umgekehrt ist es nicht möglich Verhalten zu beeinflussen, wenn wir die Konsequenz nicht beeinflussen können.

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« Antwort #91 am: 23. Dezember 2011, 00:09:38 »
The Dog Whisperer Should Just Shut Up

Misguided expert of the year.

For Cesar Millan, the goateed tough-guy, best-selling author, and cable-TV star who throws down pit bulls, it's time for new rules. And for countless dog owners, dog lovers, or stray humans skittish at the big-ass Doberman mix approaching them in the park, it's more than a matter of cult personality. We want our damn dogs to behave, and we're afraid of losing flesh--or of having to surrender "untrainable" dogs to the pound. Problem is, Cesar's ways, experts say, aren't the best ways for dogs. Or for us. Yes, yes, his alpha-dog training tips make good television and may provide fast results. But what happens when the show's over?

"The cause of most behavioral problems is miscommunication and not dominance issues," says Patricia McConnell, Ph.D., associate professor of zoology at the University of Wisconsin and author of For the Love of a Dog: Understanding Emotion in You and Your Best Friend. Either dogs don't know what their owners want, she says, or we inadvertently have taught them to do the wrong thing. "Most behavioral problems can be solved by owners learning how to teach a dog what it is they want, by using the science of how animals learn."

Ken Ramirez, an animal behaviorist and the chief animal trainer at Chicago's Shedd Aquarium, believes everyday dog owners need to learn how to better observe and understand their dogs' behavior. Then they can reward the behavior they want and either ignore, avoid, or distract them from unwanted behavior. It's reinforcement versus enforcement.

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« Antwort #92 am: 23. Dezember 2011, 20:12:23 »
Die Welt ein bisschen besser machen mit ecosia.de und schulengel.de.

"Du bist zeitlebens für das verantwortlich, was du dir vertraut gemacht hast."
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (aus "Der kleine Prinz")
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« Antwort #93 am: 25. Dezember 2011, 01:06:40 »

Fearless Youth: Prozac Extinguishes Anxiety by Rejuvenating the Brain

New research shows that the antidepressant reduces fear in adult mice by increasing brain plasticity

Once adult lab mice learn to associate a particular stimulus–a sound, a flash of light–with the pain of an electric shock, they don't easily forget it, even when researchers stop the shocks. But a new study in the December 23 issue of Science shows that the antidepressant Prozac (fluoxetine) gives mice the youthful brain plasticity they need to learn that a once-threatening stimulus is now benign. The research may help explain w.hy a combination of therapy and antidepressants is more effective at treating depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than either drugs or therapy alone. Antidepressants may prime the adult brain to rewire faulty circuits during therapy.

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« Antwort #94 am: 27. Dezember 2011, 22:05:28 »

Leadership - Why "Yes" is a Better Answer than "No"

Have you ever worked for a boss who always said no? If you have, my first guess is it was a frustrating experience. My second guess is you don't hold said boss in high regard as a leader. I've always been amazed at the number of well known axioms espousing the benefits of learning to use the word “no” with greater frequency. In fact, there are some very bright people who believe you simply cannot become a good leader without developing a mastery for using the word no - I couldn't disagree more. I've never been a big fan of telling people no, but I'm a huge proponent of the advantages of helping people learn how to get to a yes. Smart leadership creates an environment where yes is not viewed as a weakness, but as an opportunity.

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« Antwort #95 am: 31. Dezember 2011, 02:04:38 »
Your Boss Is a Monkey - "Managing up" using the tricks of exotic-animal training
Exotic-animal trainers need a great poker face. Let's say you're a trainer, and one day, a beluga whale spits a mouthful of cold water at you. Your first instinct will be to shriek or jump or curse, but any reaction will probably reinforce the spitting. If you react, that whale will own you, and you'll be a Spit Bull's-eye for the rest of your life. Instead, you must ignore it and appear unfazed, expressionless -- a training technique called "least-reinforcing scenario," or LRS.

How to Train a Husband
Want an obedient spouse? A new book says you should coach them like animals.
Attention, frustrated wives: if you want your husband to start listening to you and stop leaving his socks on the floor, all you need is a little patience and a lot of mackerel. Such is the putative relationship advice of Amy Sutherland, a journalist who spent a year at an animal-trainer school and decided to apply the trainers' techniques to her husband's annoying habits. According to Sutherland, the key to marital bliss is to ignore negative habits and reward positive ones, the same approach animal trainers use to get killer whales to leap from their tanks and elephants to stand on their heads.

So to teach her husband, Scott, to stop storming around the house when he couldn't find his keys, she practiced what trainers call Least Reinforcing Scenario, which means she ignored his outbursts, and didn't offer to help with the search. To prevent Scott from hovering over her while she tried to cook, she engineered "incompatible behaviors" by setting a bowl of chips and salsa at the other end of the room. Soon she had a key-finding, salsa-eating mate and, she says, a happier marriage.

« Letzte Änderung: 31. Dezember 2011, 02:35:33 von cinnamon »

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« Antwort #96 am: 03. Januar 2012, 02:42:25 »
What Vietnam Taught Us About Breaking Bad Habits

Environment's Key Role In Behavior

Our environments come to unconsciously direct our behavior. Even behaviors that we don't want, like smoking.
For a smoker the view of the entrance to their office building – which is a place that they go to smoke all the time – becomes a powerful mental cue to go and perform that behavior.
Over time those cues become so deeply ingrained that they are very hard to resist. And so we smoke at the entrance to work when we don't want to. We sit on the couch and eat ice cream when we don't need to, despite our best intentions, despite our resolutions.

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« Antwort #97 am: 03. Januar 2012, 14:05:51 »

Stress in Cats

Anyone who has suffered stress and anxiety knows the debilitating effects it can have on your health. Stress in cats acts much the same way, and not only can it exacerbate existing physical conditions, but it can lead to a number of problems often considered behavioral, such as litter box avoidance, aggressive behavior, or depression and withdrawal. When behavioral problems suddenly appear, savvy cat owners soon learn to look first for signs of health problems (such as urinary tract infections with litter box avoidance), and next for stress factors, such as changes in the environment.

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« Antwort #98 am: 04. Januar 2012, 03:12:06 »
Reinforcement vs. Bribery

If you routinely bribe your pet, they are smart enough to look to see if you have the payment in your hand before performing the desired behavior.  (He only comes when he knows I have a treat!)

An animal who has been unexpectedly reinforced with something wonderful, however, will be willing to perform all sorts of behaviors to earn their “paycheck” without checking to see if it's in your hand first.  They trust that at some point, it's coming.

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« Antwort #99 am: 06. Januar 2012, 01:53:32 »
passend zur jahreszeit  ;)


Some Dog Training Techniques That Might Just Help You Keep That New Year's Resolution

Split vs. lump, or “Every walk begins with a boot or sneaker.”

This is trainer jargon for breaking behaviors down into small, achievable goals. This allows you to create a high Rate of Reinforcement, which is fundamental in building reliable behaviors. The whole concept of “New Year's Resolutions” sets learners up for failure – it's flawed. We need more frequent reinforcement!


My Dog is not Food Motivated

This issue comes up every once in a while in my discussions and training sessions with students and potential students. Personally, I've never ran across a dog that's not food motivated, and I don't really think they exist. Any dog that is in decent shape and is hungry is motivated by food.

« Letzte Änderung: 06. Januar 2012, 03:27:38 von cinnamon »

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« Antwort #100 am: 09. Januar 2012, 13:49:56 »
Positive Reinforcement Training. What is it?

Over 100 years of experience and research has taught us that positive reinforcement is an effective training strategy and (positive) punishment (a.k.a. correction) is not only unnecessary, but not without adverse effects. Still, our punishment-oriented society is slow to let the habit of correction-based training die and many still cling to the notion that force or the threat of force, whether physical or psychological, is a necessary part of learning. In fact, it is a well known fact that stress inhibits learning. While the use of correction-based training may produce an obedient animal, the initiative and love of learning, as well as the affection this animal has for his trainer, pales in comparison to the animal trained with positive reinforcement.

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« Antwort #101 am: 10. Januar 2012, 15:56:33 »
Clicker Training. What is it?

Clicker training is a whole lot more than simply using a clicker in training..it involves training principles based on the science of animal learning and behavior. In clicker training for example, the marker signal ("click") must be appropriately timed, depending on the trainer's objectives and it ends the behavior as well as marking the behavior. The behavior is taught before the cue is added and there are principles for correctly adding the cue. Beware of trainers calling themselves "clicker trainers" who use any form of correction - clicker trainers do not use correction! Here is a brief overview of what differentiates clicker training from other forms of training

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« Antwort #102 am: 11. Januar 2012, 16:58:46 »
Danke für den Artikel! Und das allerallerallersüßeste: der Hund gleich am ersten Bild oben rechts, wie Lena aus dem Gesicht geschnitten! :love:
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« Antwort #103 am: 12. Januar 2012, 12:55:07 »
Ich weiß nicht ob den Blog schon jemand gepostet hat :)
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« Antwort #104 am: 13. Januar 2012, 13:21:29 »
Why It's Risky to Have Wild Animals as Pets

Drawn by the animals' beauty and the novelty and status of having something exotic, many of these owners fail to appreciate the fact that wild animals are genetically adapted to living in the wild, and domesticated animals are adapted to living with humans, making domesticated animals much more appropriate as human companions.

Animal Domestication
Only a handful of wild animal species have been successfully bred to get along with humans. The reason, scientists say, is found in their genes.

das projekt ist sehr interessant, die haltungsbedingungen dort allerdings unter aller kanone.

« Letzte Änderung: 13. Januar 2012, 13:39:16 von cinnamon »

A horse without spots is like the night without stars!
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