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« Antwort #76 am: 07. Dezember 2011, 01:52:58 »

Are Shock Collars Painful or Just Annoying to Dogs?  A 2004 Study Reveals Some Answers

    Avoidance behavior and fear postures during the shocks indicated that the shock elicited both pain and fear and therefore were not just a distraction or nuisance.

    The fact that the dogs showed more fear than control dogs both in the non-training situations in the familiar training grounds as well as in the park indicates that dogs are learning to associate the shock, not just with the unwanted behavior, but also with the location/environment as well as the trainer. The researchers found some evidence that some dogs had also learned to associate commands with shock. For example they state that one dog, shocked immediately after getting a “heel' command, yelped after getting the next “heel” command without being shocked. The authors point out that the dog was not given a chance to respond after given the “heel” command, rather the command was immediately followed by the correction, hence increasing the likelihood that this type of aversion association would be made.

    The researchers state that in the presence of the handler, the dog has learned to expect something aversive. “The enormous rewards the dogs experience during training, i.e., chasing down, catching a criminal and winning the sleeve, do not counter the negative effects of getting shocked. This is in spite of the fact that handlers of non-shocked dogs admitted that they use prong collars and that their dogs experienced beatings and other harsh punishment, such as kicks or choke collar corrections.”

    Both dogs trained using electronic shock collars and those trained with other traditional coercive methods (choke chain, pinch collar, physical punishment) showed more signs of fear and anxiety when being trained than when on a free walk.

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« Antwort #77 am: 08. Dezember 2011, 01:12:19 »

Vorführen oder vorgeführt werden - "Taschenspielertricks" bei Hundetrainern

Sicher haben Sie folgende Szene bereits einmal gesehen oder sogar selbst erlebt. Bei Videoportalen wie YouTube sind Clips dieser Art oft zu finden oder auch bei Vorführungen und  bei großen Vorträgen von Profi-Hundetrainern, die gerne Ihr eigenes Können demonstrieren:
Ein Kunde befindet sich mit seinem Hund beim Hundetrainer seines Vertrauens. Der Hund soll etwas zeigen oder auch nicht mehr zeigen, tut dies bei seinem Halter aber nicht. Der Hundetrainer nimmt daraufhin dem Halter den Hund ab und demonstriert, wie man das richtig macht, wie man den Hund richtig motiviert, wie man ihn richtig führt. Die Zuschauer sehen, wie gut die Tricks der Hundeerziehung beim Profi selbst klappen, wie souverän der Trainer den Hund führt, wie leicht das ist und was man doch für ein fähiger Trainer ist, bei dem der Hund - scheinbar problemlos – funktioniert. Der Halter bekommt seinen Hund dann meist mit dem Rat sich ebenso souverän zu schlagen wieder in die Hände. Zurück bleiben im ersten Moment meist zutiefst beeindruckte Halter, die angeben ihre Hunde noch nie so aufmerksam oder gehorsam erlebt zu haben.


How to Use Play as a Reward

Have you ever wanted to reward your dog for a job well done, but didn't have food treats with you? Consider playing with your dog to reinforce good behavior! Not everyone wants to spend life storing food in pockets. (Have you ever found a pocket full of food after it has gone through the laundry? It's not pretty, I can tell you that!)
Woman running happily with her dog

Instead of being a slave to food treats in my pocket, I introduce my dogs to “real-life rewards.” Occasionally, play takes the place of food as payment for a job well done. My dogs find the opportunity to chase a ball, to chase me, or to have me chase them even more fun–and unexpected–than food.

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« Antwort #78 am: 09. Dezember 2011, 00:12:51 »
Horowitz Dog Cognition Lab @ Barnard College

Welcome to the Horowitz Dog Cognition Lab! Our group is led by Professor Alexandra Horowitz, author of Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know and professor at Barnard College.

Our group studies the behavior and cognition of the domestic dog, Canis Familiaris. We observe companion dogs in their natural environments, and we recruit dogs and owners to participate in fun and interesting studies across the city.

Previous research has included the empirical research of anthropomorphisms, the use of attention and play signals in social play, dog-human play strategies, and intra-canid vocalizations.

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« Antwort #79 am: 09. Dezember 2011, 12:42:49 »
Ratten helfen gefangenen Freunden

Forscher sind sich sicher: Empathie und uneigennütze Hilfe müssen tief in der Evolution verankert sein. Darauf deuten zumindest neue Forschungsergebnisse hin, nach denen die Nagetiere ihre Gefährten befreien - und dafür sogar auf Schokolade verzichten.

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« Antwort #80 am: 09. Dezember 2011, 15:07:00 »

Auch Ratten zeigen Mitgefühl
Ohne Empathie gäbe es kein soziales Verhalten und letztlich kein funktionierendes Zusammenleben. Aber nicht nur Menschen, auch manche Tiere, insbesondere Primaten, haben ein Gespür für die Gefühle anderer. Ratten sind einer Studie zufolge ebenfalls dazu in der Lage und handeln dementsprechend.

Die Ratten lernten aus einer inneren Motivation heraus: "Wir zeigten den Tieren nicht, wie sie die Türe öffnen können und das ging gar nicht so einfach. Sie probierten es immer wieder, bis sie es geschafft hatten." Zur Kontrolle führten sie Experimente mit leeren Käfigen und mit eingesperrten Stoffratten durch. In beiden Fällen machten die freien Tiere keine Anstalten, das Tor zu öffnen.

« Letzte Änderung: 09. Dezember 2011, 15:24:26 von cinnamon »

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« Antwort #81 am: 09. Dezember 2011, 15:28:12 »
Your Dog Has a Brain in His Gut

It turns out that there is a vast network of neurons–that's right–neurons–in your intestines. 100 million of them. Of course, your brain has 100 BILLION, but still, that's impressive.  Neurons were supposed to be nerve cells that only existed in the Central Nervous System (CNS), the brain and the spinal cord. But it turns out that there is a network of neurons in the gut designed to integrate the outside world with the inside of a mammal. As you remember from Biology 101, every mammal is designed like a doughnut, with surfaces both external and internal that are in contact with the “outside” world. Your skin and respiratory passages interact with the external world on the outside of your body, and the inside tissues of your stomach and intestines interact with things from the external world on the inside of your body.

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« Antwort #82 am: 09. Dezember 2011, 16:13:51 »
Das Tier und die Moral
Die Moral trennt den Menschen vom Tierreich, lautet ein Grundsatz der christlichen Ethik. Der österreichische Kognitionsbiologe Ludwig Huber widerspricht: Er sieht Grundzüge des moralischen Handelns bereits bei unseren Verwandten im Tierreich angelegt.

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« Antwort #83 am: 09. Dezember 2011, 17:28:29 »
The Value of Basic Training Skills

Here's one of the great lessons Ken Ramirez had for us at the Clicker Expo in Chicago last weekend: The basics aren't really all that basic after all. In his experience, one of the most common mistakes he sees in even experienced trainers is forgetting the importance of some of the basics. Here are some of the reminders he shared, and believe me, I am taking them all to heart.

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« Antwort #84 am: 09. Dezember 2011, 18:04:08 »
When a dog rescuer approaches The Rainbow Bridge - http://www.straydog.org/Month200306/RainbowBridgeRescuers.html

Rainbow Bridge - http://www.novareinna.com/bridge/

Dog Star Daily - http://www.dogstardaily.com/

Karen Pryor Clicker Training - http://www.clickertraining.com/

Emily Larlham Dogmantics - http://www.dogmantics.com/Dogmantics/Home.html   

    Emily Larlham's Progressive Reinforcement Training Manifesto:











Jean Donaldson's Blog - http://www.jeandonaldson.com/jeans-blog-mainmenu-51

Patricia McConnell's Blog - http://www.theotherendoftheleash.com/

Dr. Sophia Yin's Blog - http://www.askdryin.com/

Liz Catalano's Blog - http://lizcatalano.wordpress.com/

Beyond Cesar Millan - http://beyondcesarmillan.weebly.com/iaabc-behaviorists.html

Lee Charles Kelly's Blog - http://leecharleskelleysblog.blogspot.com/

Milissa Alexander Clicker Solutions - http://www.clickersolutions.com/

Fun4fido - http://www.fun4fido.co.uk/blog/myths-about-clicker-training.html

The Bark - Dog is my co-pilot - http://www.thebark.com/content/both-ends-leash-fear-reduction

Science Dawg - http://sciencedawg.posterous.com/

Science Daily -







Using “dominance” to explain dog behaviour is old hat  - http://www.bristol.ac.uk/news/2009/6361.html

Ban Shock Collars - http://banshockcollars.ca/studies.aspx

Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors - http://www.apbc.org.uk/blog/appliance_of_dog_science

Aiden Bindoff's Blog -  http://www.positivepetzine.com/node/400

unknown, , Dog Welfare Campaign - http://www.dogwelfarecampaign.org/index.php

Dr. Doug Kaufman , AlleyDog.com - psychology students' best friend - http://www.alleydog.com/

Victoria Stilwell's Articles - http://positively.com/positive-reinforcement/victoria-stilwell-articles/

Karen Delise, National Canine Research Council - http://nationalcanineresearchcouncil.com/

various,   - http://www.k9aggression.com/

Eric Goebelbecker, Dog Spelled Forward - http://www.dogspelledforward.com/the-blog

Laurie Luck,  Smart Dog University - http://smartdog.typepad.com/smart_dog/

Anne Rogers,  Pet Central - http://pawsitivedawgs.wordpress.com/

Cathy Toft, , The Babe Chronicles - Stories about Babe, a rescued Collie from Colorado Collie Rescue - http://www.r-plusdogtraining.info/Babe/index.htm

various,  Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies - Animal Behavior - http://behavior.org/animals/

APBC (UK),   - http://www.apbc.org.uk/blog/positive_reinforcement

Alexandra Horowitz, How Dogs' Hearing Is Different from Humans' - http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/video/dogs-hearing-humans-9080236?tab=9482931&section=1206840&playlist=4806546

Alexandra Horowitz,  What It's like to Think With a Dog's Brain - http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/inside-dog-dog/story?id=10494333&page=2

Suzanne Clothier,  The Flying Dog Press Blog, http://flyingdogpress.com/content/blogcategory/16/52/

Vyolet & Drayton Michaels - Urban Dogs, http://www.urbandawgs.com/articles.html

Vetinfo for Dogs,   http://www.vetinfo.com/dogindex.html

Mark Plonsky,  Dr. P's Dog Training Site,  http://www.uwsp.edu/psych/dog/dog.htm#cont

Casey Matthews-Lomonaco,  Rewarding Behaviors Dog Training ...  Blog/Forum, http://www.rewardingbehaviors.com/

Leah Roberts,  Dog Willing Positive Training Solutions for Family Pets,
http://dogwilling.weebly.com/helpful-links.html (health, nutrition, misc.)



Debbie Jacobs,  Fearfuldogs' Blog, http://fearfuldogs.wordpress.com/

Ci Toutou, The World According to Ci,  http://theworldaccordingtoci.blogspot.com/2010/06/are-you-humans-really-top-dog.html

Jolanta Benal,   The Dog Trainer,   http://dogtrainer.quickanddirtytips.com

Lili Chin,  Dog Training-related Drawings,  http://doggiedrawings.net/post/842176625

Lili Chin,  Boogie, http://boogiebt.wordpress.com/about/

Leah Roberts,  DOG WILLING Positive Training Solutions for Family Pets,  http://dogwilling.weebly.com/videos.html

Clicker Training USA, http://www.clickertrainusa.com/index.htm

Kelly Gorman,  Open Paw, http://www.openpaw.org/

Pamela Johnson,  Dog.Nerd101, http://www.dognerd101.blogspot.com/

Roland & Lauren , Talented Animals Blog,  http://talentedanimals.com/blog/

Madeline Gabriel, Dogs and Babies ... Learning to Live Happily Ever After,  http://dogsandbabies.wordpress.com/

Carol Byrnes, Diamonds in the Rough  Common Behavior Questions, http://www.diamondsintheruff.com/behavior.html

Animal Behavior Society, http://www.animalbehavior.org/ABSAppliedBehavior

Alexandra Horowitz, CANID COGNITION: IN THE MIND OF A DOG,  http://www.columbia.edu/~ah2240/

Adam Miklosi, Family Dog Project,  http://familydogproject.elte.hu/publications.html

Pamela Johnson, Pam's Dog Academy - http://www.pamsdogacademy.com/video.htm

Welfare in Dog Training , 2011, http://www.dogwelfarecampaign.org/index.php

Martine Gauer, http://www.frauhund.de/hund/training/233-clicker-tiere

Beverly Hebert, Shock Collars - Say No, http://www.hollysden.com/say-no-to-shock-collars.htm

The Pony Pros Blog, http://www.ponypros.net/blog/  collected by Cheryl Glen (http://www.youtube.com/user/abirdslife)

Dog Treats & Training, http://www.dogtreatsandtraining.com/talented-dog-performs-stunning-tricks/  collected by Cheryl Glen (http://www.youtube.com/user/abirdslife)

Positive Horse Training, 2010, http://positivehorsetraining.blogspot.com/2010/10/positive-horse-training.html  collected by Cheryl Glen (http://www.youtube.com/user/abirdslife)

Shawna Karrasch's Blog, http://shawnakarrasch.com/blog/category/bugs-blog/  collected by Cheryl Glen (http://www.youtube.com/user/abirdslife)

Alexandra Kurland, , The Click That Teaches,  http://theclickercenter.com/2004/  collected by Cheryl Glen (http://www.youtube.com/user/abirdslife)

Andre Morris, The Clicker Training Blog, 2011, http://clickercompany.blogspot.com/

Renea Dahms, Pawsitively Unleashed, http://www.pawsitivelyunleashed.com/blog/

Julie Hecht, Dog Spies, http://dogspies.blogspot.com/2011/03/is-denver-dog-really-guilty.html

Chris Waggoner, The Dexter Diaries, http://www.thedexterdiaries.blogspot.com/

Debbie Jacobs, Fearful dogs, http://fearfuldogs.com/

Nancy  Chwiecko,   Home Design for Dogs,  http://homedesignfordogs.com/

Jennifer Shryock,   Family Paws Family Paws Parent Education Programs for families with dogs, Dogs & Storks and The Dog and Baby Connection,  http://dogsandstorks.blogspot.com/2011/07/visiting-kids-family-dogs.html

Christina Sondermann, Christoph Henke, Spass mit Hund, 2011, http://www.spass-mit-hund.de/   siehe Link “Mehr Wissen”

Christine Hibbard, Jim Ha, Louisa Beal, Greta Kaplan , Behind the Behavior, 2011, http://companionanimalsolutions.com/blogs/

Nicole Wilde, Wilde About Dogs, 2011, http://wildewmn.wordpress.com/

Chelsea Jay, Positively Fun Dog Training, http://positivefuntraining.blogspot.com/

Csaba Molnar, Ethologist, science journalist (research papers on dogs' barking), http://molcsa.web.elte.hu/tudomany-pub_en.html


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« Antwort #85 am: 09. Dezember 2011, 18:52:18 »



 :keks: für die super fleißige Alex und  :-* für die Kennzeichnung der Sprache  :cheer:
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« Antwort #86 am: 09. Dezember 2011, 19:01:15 »
keine ursache ;-)
die deutschen blogs und artikel sind leider in der minderzahl und meistens auch zu umfangreich für eine übersetzung.  aber wenn ich etwas finde, kommt es selbstverständlich hier rein ;)

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« Antwort #87 am: 09. Dezember 2011, 19:12:04 »
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« Antwort #88 am: 10. Dezember 2011, 15:41:13 »

Cleverer than a child of four, the birds who can read your mind
    Fascinating experiment shows members of the crow family, known as corvids, aren't just among the cleverest birds, they are smarter than most mammals


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« Antwort #89 am: 16. Dezember 2011, 03:16:42 »

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